The Inqueery Story
My name is Sydney Fowler, I use they and them pronouns, and I’m a Sensitivity / Authenticity Reader.
I started Sensitivity Reading in 2015 and have been honored to read for dozens of published short stories, research projects, and novels including a 2019 New York Times Bestseller and 2019 Goodreads Choice Awards finalist!
The moments where I feel seen in media stick with me long after I’ve finished the book, short story, poem, comic, show, film, and yes, even the research survey. These moments help me find my footing in a world that often feels alien; especially as a non-binary trans person in the U.S. where everything seems to come in pink or blue except for me.

As a sensitivity reader, I specialize in Fiction and Nonfiction work with characters and themes centering LGBTQIA, Non-monogamy, Survivors of Interpersonal Violence, and people with Mental Illnesses. More info here: Services page.
I am an avid reader and writer myself and there is nothing more important to me than seeing a story transform the lives of the people who hold its pages. It is my vision to expand the representation of marginalized communities in literature and research by collaboratively providing quality feedback to authors about the language, structure, and feel of their work. Seeing yourself in media is a key aspect of understanding your place in society and I cannot wait to help you create something powerful for your audience!
In Respect and Solidarity,
Sydney Fowler

Qualifications: Full resume available on linkedIn
I identify with every marginalized group I specialize in
Experienced sensitivity reader and developmental editor for short fiction, novels, non-fiction, and research projects
Double B.A. in Queer Studies and Psychology
Published author
Poem in Poems for the Ride
Short story, “Forwarding Address”, published in the Lighthouse Writers Program youth anthology, And We Created Worlds
Chapter in Handbook of Sexuality Leadership: Inspiring Community Engagement, Social Empowerment, and Transformational Influence about a transgender inclusion (Routledge)
Peer reviewed article in New Directions Folklore about alternative relationships and non-monogamy
Creative Non-fiction essay in The Snarktastic Guide to College Success (Pearson)
Interview in The Thought Erotic Literary Journal
Host of the Sensitivity Reader podcast
Faculty at Lighthouse Writer's Workshop and The Loft Literary Center
Graduate from the Lighthouse Writers Book Project, a competitive, 2-year writing program
Authenticity Reader and Culturally Responsive Education (CRE) consultant at Westchester Education Services
12+ years of professional experience consulting with organizations on inclusivity for marginalized identities as well as:
Facilitating workshops and discussion groups
Speaking at events
LGBTQIA Inclusion and Competency Training
Networking across the U.S. with social justice activists
Planning events geared towards visibility and education for diverse communities
Providing direct services to marginalized communities including mental health crisis intervention​